Inviterer kvinnene til bransjetreff før Venturekonferansen
Inviterer kvinnene til bransjetreff før Venturekonferansen Tradisjonen tro inviterer Arntzen de Besche og NVCA til frokost og kollegialt samvær før hovedkonferansen går av stabelen. Årets
The conference will be the #1 meeting place in Norway for VCs, growth equity investors and seasoned entrepreneurs. We gather those with a shared interest in developing the leading businesses of the future.
Together with NVCA, Tequity Cluster and our sponsors, we aim to provide you unique insights from the Nordic venture capital markets and the ability to meet new potential business partners. You will also meet promising entrepreneurs in the Nordics.
We hope to inspire and engage you with lectures from thought leaders in our industry. The speakers will touch upon topics such as value creation, innovation and sustainability. They will also share success stories from investing in start-ups and their own companies.
The conference was originally meant to take place in June 2020, but has been postponed to March 31, 2022 due to covid-19. We hope to see you in Trondheim!
Best wishes,
The conference will be the #1 meeting place in Norway for VCs, growth equity investors and seasoned entrepreneurs. We gather those with a shared interest in developing the leading businesses of the future.
Together with NVCA, Tequity Cluster and our sponsors, we aim to provide you unique insights from the Nordic venture capital markets and the ability to meet new potential business partners. You will also meet promising entrepreneurs in the Nordics.
We hope to inspire and engage you with lectures from thought leaders in our industry. The speakers will touch upon topics such as value creation, innovation and sustainability. They will also share success stories from investing in start-ups and their own companies.
The conference was originally meant to take place in June 2020, but has been postponed to January 13th 2022 due to covid-19. We hope to see you in Trondheim!
Best wishes,
Co-founder and SVP Growth Projects, Gelato
Building a lasting company – shaping the global manufacturing industry
Managing Partner, Hadean Ventures
The value of innovation
Founder and owner of REITAN
Drømmer, visjoner og mål
Partner, Antler
How we build investor ready teams
CEO, Katapult Group
Fireside chat: Dealflow and today’s venture market
Fireside chat: Dealflow and today’s venture market
Investment Director, Investinor
Fireside chat: Stock market boom (and bust?) on Euronext Growth – what’s next?
Partner, Viking Venture
Fireside chat: Stock market boom (and bust?) on Euronext Growth – what’s next?
Chief Product Officer, Signicat
Building a tech leader from Trondheim
CEO, Norwegian Venture Capital Association (NVCA)
Inviterer kvinnene til bransjetreff før Venturekonferansen Tradisjonen tro inviterer Arntzen de Besche og NVCA til frokost og kollegialt samvær før hovedkonferansen går av stabelen. Årets
Kun få billetter igjen til Venturekonferansen i januar Om én måned går Venturekonferansen 2024 av stabelen. Konferansen, som arrangeres av Investinor i samarbeid med Norsk
Den tidligere McKinsey-lederen Martin Bech Holte skal sammen med Ynge Slyngstad bygge opp venturekapitalsatsingen til Aker-konsernet. På Venturekonferansen 19. januar på Britannia Hotel forteller han om
Den tidligere manageren til Magnus Carlsen, Espen Agdestein, ser store likhetstrekk mellom det å lykkes i sjakk og venture. På Venturekonferansen 19. januar på Britannia Hotel
Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma og bransjeforeningen NVCA lader opp til årets venturekonferanse med et eget NVCA-Q arrangement like før hovedkonferansen. Temaet er ESG i et exit-perspektiv,
Det nærmer seg for Norges største konferanse for venturekapitalinvestorer. Om snaue to måneder går Venturekonferansen 2023 av stabelen på Britannia Hotel i Trondheim. Investinor-sjef Terje
Over the past decades, Trondheim has developed in to becoming Norway’s leading city for tech innovation and entrepreneurship.
The home of ~40.000 students, ~5.000 people working in R&D and education, Nobel Prize winners and +700 tech companies makes Trondheim a small city with big ideas.
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